About our Blog

This is the story all about how our lives got flip turned upside down! We moved across the country from the suburbs of Chicago to Los Angeles. We are embracing our new life with outdoor living, healthy eating and fun adventures!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Desert

So, who would have thought LA has traffic?!?! We finally got out and made it to our first pit stop: Palm Springs. Childhood memories of a desert oasis and endless hotel swimming pools. But today we don't have time for that, today is only a pit stop on the road!

Our stop: Hadley's Fruit Orchard. 

This place was awesome: tons of free samples (including wine). Our loot included a bottle of blackberry meade, flavored sticks of honey (sour cherry, watermelon...yuck. We picked them out for Kristin anyway!) and a delicious bottle of sarsaparilla! Emily got a banana-date shake, their specialty. Kinda gross.

As you can see, Brian has returned to his trusty spot as driver!

We should be in Tucson around 10pm...

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