About our Blog

This is the story all about how our lives got flip turned upside down! We moved across the country from the suburbs of Chicago to Los Angeles. We are embracing our new life with outdoor living, healthy eating and fun adventures!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dinner Tonight

Most people would agree that the hardest part about getting dinner on the table is the planning...or the grocery shopping...or is it the prepping...or maybe the actual cooking & timing of the meal?!?! I guess it's just a hard task overall! Bri and I have a great system and typically run VERY smooth...we had all of the tools necessary - we had a meal plan, the groceries were at home, the food was cooking, it turned out delicious...it just never made it to the table!

After cooking an entire meal we packed it up, hopped in the convertible and went to downtown St. Charles for a night sitting at McNally's outdoor patio. It was just too nice of a night to not be driving around - and who can handle the twists and turns of Brian's convertible driving on a full stomach?

At least we had good grubs for lunch today!

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