About our Blog

This is the story all about how our lives got flip turned upside down! We moved across the country from the suburbs of Chicago to Los Angeles. We are embracing our new life with outdoor living, healthy eating and fun adventures!

Friday, August 12, 2011

P-P-P-Poker Face

After a long (loonoong) day at work for me…and a long (FUN) day of shooting for Brian, we met up at the Cunningham household with Anthony and Theresa for a “friendly” game of poker. I don’t know how friendly any game can be when you are required to put money into a pot. Regardless, the cards were dealt and we rocked it out.

Well, things didn’t start out too well when I publicly destroyed my husband by going “all in” and things only got worse when his cards never came…several hours later, we had determined that Theresa slowly bled everyone dry and managed to pull at least one Ace in her hand every round, but that Pat was the big winner.

I would say the biggest lesson learned was that playing “The Gambler” on repeat all night doesn’t result well for anybody!

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