About our Blog

This is the story all about how our lives got flip turned upside down! We moved across the country from the suburbs of Chicago to Los Angeles. We are embracing our new life with outdoor living, healthy eating and fun adventures!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Flash Back - Holiday Season 2011

The night before Thanksgiving I helped make these amazing cupcakes with Allie and Theresa...it was hard work but they turned out sooo cool!

Brian and I celebrated Turkey Day with the Cunninghams. We had a great day and the most amazing cooking and cocktails! Thanks for the invite Betsy & Pat!

For Christmas, we flew out to California and got to celebrate with my whole family - including my Mom. We had a great holiday together! Probably one of my favorites!
The day after Christmas all the kids went to Disneyland together...what a long day but such a blast! I'm so glad we got to do this together!
A few days later, Brian and I took a day trip up the California Coast to Santa Barbara...we stopped along the way for some gorgeous scenery...unfortunately the trip was a bit lame due to poor timing but hopefully we can figure out a better plan next time! We had fun together though!

Our big "star-spotting" on the trip was this football field in SB...we believe this to be site of "10 Things I Hate About You"

We had to take a snapshot in their honor!


We only had a little time to recover from our trip before Brian donned the kilt to ring in 2012! We had a fantastic NYE with the Trimarcos at a Hilton party...CHEERS!

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